Top Ten Indoor Activities in Israel When it Rains

Top Ten Indoor Activities in Israel When it Rains

December 23, 2015
Israel Blog by Mazada Tours

Israel’s mild climate is a major draw for tourists, and this enchanting destination is blessed with excellent weather year round. However, during the winter months, when it rains, travelers are looking for indoor activities to fill their travel itineraries. We will provide you with our top ten choices for alternative venues to visit when it rains.The first choice would obviously be a trip to one of the museums. In Jerusalem, your first choice would probably be The Israel Museum. From here, you could continue on to the Bible Lands Museum which is very close. The Tower of David is also a good rainy day choice. In Tel Aviv, The diaspora museum has a lot to offer, and then you could check out the Rabin Museum or the Museum of Natural History which are all within the same neighborhood, Ramat Aviv.Next on the list would be the Tepher Museum or the Museum on the Scene, located in Jerusalem. It is a socio-political contemporary art museum that deals with controversial issues. This venue is owned and operated privately and serves as a forum for ideas which challenge and confront conventional norms in society.If you are interested in money, currencies, and banking, and in Jerusalem when the rain starts, you could visit the Bank of Israel’s visitor center where you can explore the intriguing mysteries behind the evolution of money in general and the Israeli shekel in particular. You can gain greater knowledge by participating in a computer game and watching a brief video. You will also find a display of ancient coins and currency.If you want to follow the money, then visit Tel Aviv, where you can enjoy a visit to the HerzLilienblum museum founded by Israel Discount Bank. It features unique multimedia, films, and historical items that trace Tel Aviv’s evolution. This venue is oftentimes part of the history of Tel Aviv tour and presents visitors with unique insights into how this city evolved from simple sand dunes to a thriving metropolis.Israel has a highly developed vintage clothing and alternative items market and rainy days are an excellent time to explore and search for great deals on top brands. The epicenter of the alternative would obviously be Sheinkin Street. You can sample the latest styles in jewelry, or visit the Story store for goods produced from recycled material, or the “Just a Second” or Rak Shnia, vintage clothing store where bargains abound for rare finds of collectible or fashion items.Shopping has a strange way of spiking the appetite, so when you begin to feel the slightest hints of hunger, then just jump into a taxi and head to the Sarona Market just a 10 minute ride away. The recently opened Sarona Complex dates back to more than 140 years ago when a Templar colony was founded. Here you will discover a huge variety of fancy restaurants that include some of Europe’s most famous brands and this place boasts some 100 specialty food shops and eateries.If you are a cinema fan, then you can visit one of Israel’s cinematheques in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv or Haifa. The Jerusalem venue is situated just below the Old City walls, and you can catch a classical, modern or rare local cinema screening. Tel Aviv’s Cinematheque was recently expanded and you will find a plethora of cinema choices here.Another great idea for a rainy day would be The Time Elevator (Voyage Terminal). This is located right in the heart of West Jerusalem. This trans-dimensional cinematic experience takes you on a condensed journey through Jerusalem’s 3,000 years of history. You can also try the rather bumpy ride on the time elevator. This amazing performance is narrated by Chaim Topol, a renowned Israeli actor of Fiddler on the Roof fame. The Elevator begins deep underground in ancient Jerusalem and slowly ascends through History. Highlights along the way include King David and King Solomon as well as Saladin. This is a fine indoor entertainment choice for both adults and children.One of the old standby’s for rainy days is a visit to the local bowling alley. You have a myriad of choices for bowling venues in the Holy Land. Israelis take their bowling seriously and many places also offer billiards and other games. Kiryat Ono has an excellent hall. There is also one in the Seven Star Mall in Herzliya. There are also some very nice lanes in the Lev Talpiot Mall in Jerusalem.Another unique choice for rainy days is a visit to an industrial site for a factory tour. The most popular factory tour in Israel would most probably be the Coca-Cola factory in Bnei Brak. Visitors will enjoy an interactive experience at the Coca-Cola Sensory Center which includes viewing one of the most advanced production processes in the world. If Coke is not your real thing, then you could try the Diamond Bourse Visitor’s Center or the Tneuva Visitor’s Center, or any of the other production facilities around the country.Rain in Israel is such a rare event that actually catching a rainy day is a memorable experience in and of itself. Oftentimes, rainy limitations lead you to places that you might never have thought of visiting and will only enhance your take-home memories from your sojourn in the Holy Land. Contact Mazada tours for bookings.By Brent J. Mitchell

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