Passover, Easter and Travel to Egypt

Passover, Easter and Travel to Egypt
The spring season is officially upon us after the Vernal Equinox just last week, and that means that the followers of the Judeo-Christian tradition are getting ready for their seasonal Holidays. This year, Passover and Easter occur almost simultaneously during the same weekend, making a trip to Israel even more appealing since travelers will be able to choose from among a plethora of holiday activities from both faiths.A detailed comparison between Judaism and Christianity would be beyond the scope of this work, but a brief glance at one of the major trends should be of interest to the curious. It is believed by many that the Last Supper was actually a Passover Seder, although, like many spiritual beliefs, definitive evidence is lacking. This is the most major interconnection. The venue for these two historical events is Israel and Egypt. Therefore, Israel is the initial draw to travelers, but Egypt should be seriously considered for the “Hol HaMoed” week between the first and second Passover celebration (the completion of the week).It might seem counterintuitive for one to travel to Egypt, since the Israelites actually departed Egypt on the Passover Holiday, but they wandered in the Sinai Desert for forty years before entering the land of milk and honey, maybe to work off all of the extra calories that they acquired from eating the unleavened bread, Matzah, justifying a sojourn to the land of Egypt.In the Haggadah, which is the work read by Jews on this holiday to understand the story of Passover, you will find the following quote: “In each and every generation we are obliged to see ourselves as if we personally left Egypt.” This not only stresses the importance of conducting a Seder, but it also points to the possibility of making a trip to Egypt and then returning to Israel. This could be a unique way to fully experience the significance of this important annual milestone for Jews and Christians alike.For Jews, this holiday, inter alia, symbolizes the story told in Exodus where the Jews of Egypt were released from the bonds of slavery and gained the freedom that awaited them in the Promised Land. For Christians, this holiday can enrich their comprehension of one of the roots of Christianity which also posits an agenda of freedom from spiritual slavery.G-d, in his infinite wisdom, decided to execute this release from slavery in the Spring because it is the most auspicious season for desert travel and exploration. Therefore, booking a trip to Egypt during this holiday could be a very original way to spend this 8 day vacation period.Travel to Egypt has become very attractive financially, and our partners in the Indigenous Tourism sector are providing travelers with unprecedented value for their money. You can visit the pyramids and see vast expanses of ancient history for a mere pittance while enjoying the renowned Egyptian hospitality which has been ratcheted up to cope with recent challenges in the tourism industry.Temperatures are especially mild in the spring as mentioned previously and the rates are quite attractive, so contact the Mideast Experts, Mazada Tours, to explore an enchanting voyage on the Nile and visit the land of the Ancient Pharaohs, the land that served as a catalyst for freedom for everyone. Our experienced travel consultants are always available to respond to your questions and queries.Feel free to start up a chat now through a live person or send us an email or call Mazada Tours at any time. We look forward to providing you with a wonderful spring vacation.Wishing all of our patrons a happy and enjoyable holiday.By Brent J. Mitchell