How FIT’s Are Helping to the Israeli Tour Operators Rebound

How FIT’s Are Helping to the Israeli Tour Operators Rebound
Israel is an amazing tourist destination filled with unique opportunities for experiencing a wide variety of activities ranging from the historical, archaeological, and the biblical to unparalleled sunbathing on one of the many different bodies of water in the country: Med Sea, Dead Sea, Red Sea and the Kineret. These are just a few activities among those available to travelers and the list is too long to include in the framework of an article like this.The countries’ leaders have also invested time and money as well as intelligent design to create a cutting edge infrastructure designed to facilitate the most discerning tastes of tourists from around the world. However, these leaders are also forced to be creative and original when the country is occasionally threatened by its enemies. These security incidents do not really present a threat to foreign tourists. However, the international media has, for whatever reasons, been very successful at creating a perceived threat in the minds of potential tourists and this has been quite damaging to the local tourism trade.Government organizations are now providing incentives for tourist to visit Israel. They are also working with local businesses to expand tourist-related services. Not long ago, Israel lifted visa restrictions for several friendly countries reducing a bureaucratic roadblock for some tourists.Other incentive measures are constantly being reviewed and implemented. Since new elections are just around the corner, many new measures are being considered since the Tourism sector is a major source of revenues and in turn, taxes.Below, we are including several tips to assist you in discovering how you can join the growing number of foreign tourists who are actually contributing to the recovery of the Tourism Sector in Israel by using the services of a local tour operator to enhance quality while contributing to the economic rebound. When tourists travel smart, they not only improve their overall experience, they also streamline expenses while making the most out of their resources.Israelis are known for their resilience and ingenuity, and these traits are driving the tourism business into a sustainable recovery after the disturbances in the North and the South. Recent events have been contained, and affairs have gradually gravitated back to the status quo. This is an excellent time to travel to Israel and enjoy the myriad of unique attractions here.You can make your contribution to this recovery by following some of these simple tips and suggestions:
- Book as far in advance as possible. This allows the service provider with opportunities to ensure a high quality of service, and most businesses, like Mazada Tours, offer liberal cancellation policies.
- Eat in restaurants and cafes. They depend heavily on revenues from tourists.
- Book low-cost flights so that more of your travel budget will be free for in-country purchases.
- Instead of booking a package tour from your home country, book directly with Israeli companies saving on commissions and driving revenues into this recovering sector.
- Consider cascading your tours and booking them in one to two-day segments.
- Book family milestone events in Israel – this will obviously boost overall room night stays.
- Take advantage of the deep discounts that Hotels offer for advanced bookings.
- Consider exploring smaller, boutique type of hotels, they are the ones who suffer the most during economic downturns. This is in part due to the fact that they, for the most part, do not have foreign backing. Service and hospitality standards are also often of higher quality in smaller hotels.
- Explore indigenous shops and stores.
Plan a visit to Israel now and experience the miracle on the Mediterranean.By Brent J. Mitchell